15 days money back guarantee

You can exchange or return items to us within 15 days of delivery if they are unused and  if they are unopened in the original packing. The shipmentcosts for returning are for the customer.

We will re imburse you directly after receipt back of the goods (minus the actual shipmentcosts we made for sending)


It is also possible to playtest a mouthpiece or instrument during these 15 days. The next rules apply in this case if you return items to us:

  • please inform us before we ship off so that we can put a patch on the mouthpiece
  • Items have to be complete, undamaged and free frorm traces of use.
  • items have to be returned in the original packing.
  • The costs for shipment back are for the customer.
  • We apply a re-stockingfee of 3% of the itemvalue with a minimumamount of € 9,–and a maximumamount of € 50,– )
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