Silencer Mouthpiece Mute for saxophone and clarinet


Jazzlab SILENCER Mouthpiece Mute for Saxophone and Clarinet


Silencer is National Association of Music Merchants NAMM-2012 in USA award winner in the category Best Tools for Schools, selected by Panel of music educators.



A lot of people are often surprised when they realize that you can produce tones and whole melodies with the mouthpiece of a saxophone or a clarinet alone. What it sounds like depends solely on the person who is blowing into the mouthpiece because everything that comes out is only affected by the person who is blowing.

How can we understand this?

These findings prompted Joe Allard, the grand master of the woodwinds, to develop a new method of training and suitable exercises, among which are the mouthpiece exercises. With these exercises Joe Allard documented astonishing results while having comparatively little expenditure of time. Among his students were saxophonists as David Liebman, Michael Brecker, Stan Getz, Bob Berg and Glenn Miller’s whole sax-section.

Improving the sound continually

Mouthpiece exercises for woodwinds are one of the best methods to continually improve the sound. Furthermore, one can train the embouchure, the breathing and the articulation optimally. Daily exercises – 5 minutes are enough – are the key to a higher level of sound and intonation on the instrument. Through mouthpiece exercises you train exactly those muscles that are crucial to the playing of a saxophone or a clarinet:

  • – for the sound

  • – for the intonation

  • – for special effects as vibrato or bending

  • – for high tones

Music is associated to noise

Basically, one can take the mouthpiece to any place and exercise on it everywhere. For example; on the train, in a car, (only with a turned off motor of course) or in a hotel room. But practically there is one serious disadvantage: The tone produced by the mouthpiece is approximately 100 dB loud and therefore trouble with passengers or hotel guests, as well as neighbors, is already pre-programmed!

Wilhelm Busch said: “Music is often found to be disturbing because it is connected to noise.” What is loud music for one person is noise for another. Whoever wants to hear music does not feel disturbed. Whoever likes turning up the volume does this without the feeling that it is noise. The ears are a sensitive organ and what is sensed as noise depends mainly on the ability to influence the sound. Moreover, it depends on the sound, whether it sounds more or less harmonic, whether it screeches, whistles, bangs, rumbles or hammers.

«Making music is one of the basic rights of a human and can therefore not be forbidden!” This phrase stems from a judgment. Whoever plays an instrument has to practice; he has to practice even more if he is a professional musician. However, for the neighbors it is mostly more than just a disturbing sound!»

Avoiding conflicts

In order not to disturb the neighbors one has to become quieter. Here the silencer produces relief! With a put-on mouthpiece-mute the volume is reduced significantly: It reduces the volume by 14 to 20 decibels! In other words: The volume heard by a human is 5 to 10 times quieter. The fact is, you hear the volume a multiple quieter with the silencer. You can practice very quietly at any time – whether night or day – and at any place!

The silencer®

The silencer is suitable for all kind of mouthpieces from soprano to baritone saxophone and clarinet.


It is also possible to playtest a mouthpiece or instrument during these 15 days. The next rules apply in this case if you return items to us:

  • please inform us before we ship off so that we can put a patch on the mouthpiece
  • Items have to be complete, undamaged and free from traces of use.
  • items have to be returned in the original packing.
  • The costs for shipment back are for the customer.
  • We apply a re-stockingfee of 3% of the itemvalue (with a minimumamount of € 10,–and a maximumamount of € 75,– )

Minimum shipping costs: €3.50
Free shipping on orders above € 100,00

All prices listed include 21% VAT. However, this VAT does NOT apply to destinations outside the European Union (Switzerland, Norway, Russia, USA, Japan, etc.). If you sign up from outside the European Union, prices are automatically displayed and calculated without VAT.


incl. VAT

On stock



  1. Afhankelijk van de duur van de huurovereenkomst dient de huursom per periode van 3 maanden, 6 maanden of 12 maanden vooruit betaald te worden
  2. Eventuele vervolgperioden worden geïncasseerd via automatische incasso.
  3. De huur kan op ieder moment beëindigd worden door retournering van het instrument of door aanschaf hiervan.
  4. Indien u uw instrument aanschaft binnen 6 maanden wordt de volledige huursom verrekend, na die periode de helft met een maximum bedrag van 75% van de aanschafprijs.
  5. De huurder is aansprakelijk voor ontstane schade aan en/of diefstal van het instrument.
  6. Bij niet of niet tijdige betaling, dan wel retournering van het instrument is SAXCOMPANY.NL gerechtigd het huurcontract te ontbinden, waarbij alle daaruit voortvloeiende gevolgen voor rekening van de huurder zijn.
  7. De huurder dient de huurovereenkomst te ondertekenen en met een bijgevoegde kopie van een legitimatiebewijs te retourneren (digitaal of per post)
  8. minimum leeftijd 21 jaar
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