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  • System´54 Power Bell-R tenorsax Goldplated

    System´54 Power Bell-R tenorsax Goldplated A brandnew Power Bell - R tenorsax in a very special finish. This horn is not goldlacquered but goldPLATE...

    Sold out
     1,899.00 incl. VAT
  • yas2801

    Yamaha YAS 280 Altosaxophone OCCASION

    Yamaha YAS 280 Altosaxophone OCCASION  This Yamaha YAS 280 Alto Saxophone OCCASION in perfect condition Of course including the original accessor...

     879.00 incl. VAT
  • Yamaha YAS 280 Altosaxophone SELMER C* DEAL

    Yamaha YAS 280 Altosaxophone Selmer C* Deal Standaard equipped with a Selmer S80C* or C** mouthpiece to your choice! The Yamaha YAS 280 is the idea...

    On stock
    Special deal available
     1,159.00 incl. VAT
  • Yamaha YSS 875 EX gold laquered

    Yamaha YSS 875 EX gold laquered Yamaha Custom EX sopranos are an improved version of the classic YSS-875, already considered by many to be the finest...

    Available in 2 weeks
     4,889.00 incl. VAT
  • Yanagisawa A-WO35 Altosax Silversonic

    Yanagisawa A-WO35 Altosaxophone Silversonic The new AW035 elite model from Yanagisawa - This model supersedes the A-9935 "Sing, sing, sing!!! Pure...

    Sold out
     7,589.00 incl. VAT
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