SKU korg ca-60 tuner Categories ,

Korg CA-60 Chromatic Advanced Solo Tuner


With superior features like a large, easy-to-see, LCD needle-style display, the CA-60 Chromatic Tuner is a great value!


  • A compact chromatic tuner, ideal for use with brass band or orchestra.

  • Larger and more easily readable high-precision LCD needle-style meter.

  • Wide detection range from A0 – C8.

  • Calibration function that accommodates a variety of concert pitches.

  • Sound Out function that lets you produce a reference tone from the internal speaker. The tuner will remember the pitch you select.

  • Bypass function.

  • Auto Power Off function saves the battery even if you forget to turn off the tuner.

  • Memory Backup function.

  • Approximately 85 hours of continuous use.

A detection range that's wider than ever

With a wide range that covers A0 (27.50 Hz) – C8 (4186.01Hz), you can tune a variety of instruments with the CA-40, including wind, string, and keyboard instruments. The pitch and range are detected quickly and accurately. You can use the built-in high-sensitivity microphone to detect the pitch of an acoustic instrument without requiring any other equipment. Alternatively, you can use the separately sold CM-100 contact microphone to send the vibration of the instrument directly to the tuner, so that you can tune accurately without worrying about other sounds in the environment. An output jack (bypass) has been added, making it easy to check the tuning even while you perform.

Conveniently thin and compact

The pocket-sized CA-60 features a refined design with a stand on the back that lets you place the tuner on any surface.

Large high-precision LCD meter

The CA-60’s display has been enlarged for even better visibility. In addition to providing both the accuracy of an LCD and the easy viewing of a needle-style meter, red and green LEDs are also provided to indicate pitch deviations, making tuning smooth and easy.

Sound Out function produces a reference tone from the internal speaker

In addition to letting you tune visually using the meter, the CA-40 provides a Sound Out function that plays a reference tone through the internal speaker, letting you tune by ear. You can adjust the reference tone in semitone steps over a range of C4 through C5 (one octave) to accommodate a variety of instruments. Since the reference tone you specify is remembered, it’s easy to sound it again whenever you need to.

Calibration function

The Calibration function lets you adjust the pitch in 1 Hz steps over a range of 410 – 480 Hz in order to accommodate a variety of concert pitches, giving you the flexibility to tune accurately to any song or key. There’s also a memory backup function that preserves the Calibration setting and Sound Out settings even when you turn off the power.

Auto Power Off function

The Auto Power Off function automatically turns the power off after the unit has been left on for twenty minutes, preventing the batteries from running down needlessly.

Approximately 85 hours of continuous use

The CA-40 is designed for long battery life, and allows approximately 85 hours of continuous use (continuous A4 input, Meter mode, zinc-carbon batteries).

* Even if a sound is within the detectable pitch range, detection may be unsuccessful for instrumental sounds that contain a large number of overtones or that decay rapidly.

** The calibration setting and the Sound Out reference pitch are remembered even when you turn off the power. However when you replace the batteries, these settings will be initialized to the default values; the calibration will return to 440 Hz, and the Sound Out reference pitch will return to A.


It is also possible to playtest a mouthpiece or instrument during these 15 days. The next rules apply in this case if you return items to us:

  • please inform us before we ship off so that we can put a patch on the mouthpiece
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  • The costs for shipment back are for the customer.
  • We apply a re-stockingfee of 3% of the itemvalue (with a minimumamount of € 10,–and a maximumamount of € 75,– )

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Available in 5 days



  1. Afhankelijk van de duur van de huurovereenkomst dient de huursom per periode van 3 maanden, 6 maanden of 12 maanden vooruit betaald te worden
  2. Eventuele vervolgperioden worden geïncasseerd via automatische incasso.
  3. De huur kan op ieder moment beëindigd worden door retournering van het instrument of door aanschaf hiervan.
  4. Indien u uw instrument aanschaft binnen 6 maanden wordt de volledige huursom verrekend, na die periode de helft met een maximum bedrag van 75% van de aanschafprijs.
  5. De huurder is aansprakelijk voor ontstane schade aan en/of diefstal van het instrument.
  6. Bij niet of niet tijdige betaling, dan wel retournering van het instrument is SAXCOMPANY.NL gerechtigd het huurcontract te ontbinden, waarbij alle daaruit voortvloeiende gevolgen voor rekening van de huurder zijn.
  7. De huurder dient de huurovereenkomst te ondertekenen en met een bijgevoegde kopie van een legitimatiebewijs te retourneren (digitaal of per post)
  8. minimum leeftijd 21 jaar
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