SKU FL Sopr sign ML mouthpiece155 Categorieën ,

Francois Louis Spectruoso Signature ML S155 Mondstuk voor Sopraansax


Spectruoso mouthpiece


Dit zijn de FL mondstukken die daadwerkelijk door Francois Louis zijn afgewerkt. Ieder mondstuk heeft hij in handen gehad en is door hem zelf bewerkt. De mondstukken zijn gesigneerd en worden geleverd met een echtheidscertificaat.



A great new composite material, the "Grounds" that brings up the roots of the vibration. Inspired by the determination of finding a modern material that resonates like wood, with absolute consistency and more focus



To enjoy your mouthpiece at its best, clean it regularly using a soft tooth brush and mild dish soap. Composite materials are sensitive to solvents, avoid using any.

Resonance has been privileged. Although stronger than hard rubber the "grounds" is not an unbreakable material. Care for your mouthpiece gently to get the most out of it.



  • The Medium Large Chamber 

    coupe ML

    Is an Ogival, more traditional type of chamber. It offers quite the same advantages of dynamics with more separation in the spectrum between highs ad lows. A more airy sound with a lot of bounce. The perfect mouthpiece for "Hard Bop" style. Reminiscent of the sound of the 50's, playing with the efficiency of the best "modern" mouthpieces.

As for the Tenor and the Alto, clear options have been made: 6 different tip openings combined with different facings. The efficiency has been privileged maintaining a real Soprano character playing like a true saxophone. It gives the player the flexibility to make it play the way HE wants.


Openings Comparative Chart

1/1000 inch

1/100 mm














S155 S175 S195 S215 S240 S270
Otto-Link 6   6* 7 7* 8 8* 9 9* 10 10*
Bari 60 60/62 64/66 68/70 72/74 78 80
Vandoren S25 S35


  1. S155 is a 1.55 mm tip opening (61/00 ) equivalent to the traditional 6 opening.

    Combined with a medium facing length and a progressive facing curve. Very stable with enough flexibility to vary sound colors, fast response.

    Best fit with 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 reeds, Jazz cut as well as Classical cut.

  2. S175 is a 1.75 mm tip opening (69/00 ) equivalent to the traditional 7 opening.

    Combined with a medium short facing length and a progressive facing curve. This is the universal mouthpiece: very stable, centered pitch, small enough to be playable by amateurs and students, big enough to put some air and be playable by professionals. Very precise. Extremely responsive with a lot of projection.

    Best fit with 1 1/2 to 5 reeds, Jazz or Classical cut.

  3. S195 is a 1.95 mm tip opening (77/00 ) equivalent to the traditional 7*/8 opening.

    Combined with a medium facing length and a progressive facing curve. Great flexibility combined with stability and a well-centred pitch.

    Best fit with 2 to 4, Jazz or Classical cut.

  4. S215 is a 2.15 mm tip opening (85/00 ) equivalent to the traditional 8* opening.

    Combined with a medium long facing length and a soft facing curve. Due to the longer facing curve, it brings more resistance and takes more air. (This make it feel bigger ) The soft curve gives it a lot of flexibility. This is the best mouthpiece for the professional players that need to use all possibilities of dynamics, sound colors and range in one mouthpiece, without having to struggle too hard on a real big mouthpiece.

    Best fit with 2 1/2 to 4 reeds. Even if the Classical cut will play good, the Jazz cut will be a better fit with this type of facing.

  5. S240 is a 2.40 mm tip opening (95/00 ) equivalent to the traditional 9* opening. Combined with a long facing length and a progressive facing curve. Very well balanced and efficient, due to the progressive curve it keeps a well-centred pitch with flexibility, lot of projection and a big low range. For the player who likes to blow a lot of air without loosing control.

    Best fit with 2 to 4 reeds. Better fit with Jazz Cut

  6. S270 is a 2.70 mm tip opening (106/00 ) equivalent to the traditional 10* opening. Combined with a long facing length and a smooth progressive facing curve. Perfect mix of resistance and flexibility, Enormous sound, projection, very big and full low range. For the players who need a total freedom of expression and are prepared to put a lot of air, having developed a good control of the embouchure/air stream balance.

    Virtually any reed.

all Francois Louis "XL Soprano" ligatures fit the Alto Spectruoso Mouthpiece.


It features :

  • Perfect finishing of the baffle, tip, and side walls.
  • Perfect connection of the side walls with the chamber.
  • Perfectly adjusted front and side rails.
  • Perfectly hand finished facing.
  • Fine finishing of the body of the mouthpiece.
  • Fine shining polishing of the beack.


FL Signature mouthpiece


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  • Je informeert ons vooraf zodat wij het mondstuk kunnen voorzien van een mondstukplakker.
  • In geval van retournering dient het mondstuk en/of instrument compleet met alle toebehoren en vrij van gebruikssporen of beschadigingen te zijn. Van een volledige terugbetaling kan alleen dan sprake zijn.
  • De geretourneerde artikelen dienen zich te bevinden in de originele, onbeschadigde verpakking
  • Als er beschadigingen of gebruikssporen zijn is SaxCompany.nl gerechtigd deze in rekening te brengen conform onze inschatting en worden deze verrekend met de terugbetaling.
  • De kosten voor retournering zijn voor de klant, daarnaast berekenen wij dan een ‘ re-stockingfee’ van 3% van de waarde van het artikel met een minimaalbedrag van € 10,– per verstuurd mondstuk.

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incl. BTW

Na 5 dagen leverbaar



  1. Afhankelijk van de duur van de huurovereenkomst dient de huursom per periode van 3 maanden, 6 maanden of 12 maanden vooruit betaald te worden
  2. Eventuele vervolgperioden worden geïncasseerd via automatische incasso.
  3. De huur kan op ieder moment beëindigd worden door retournering van het instrument of door aanschaf hiervan.
  4. Indien u uw instrument aanschaft binnen 6 maanden wordt de volledige huursom verrekend, na die periode de helft met een maximum bedrag van 75% van de aanschafprijs.
  5. De huurder is aansprakelijk voor ontstane schade aan en/of diefstal van het instrument.
  6. Bij niet of niet tijdige betaling, dan wel retournering van het instrument is SAXCOMPANY.NL gerechtigd het huurcontract te ontbinden, waarbij alle daaruit voortvloeiende gevolgen voor rekening van de huurder zijn.
  7. De huurder dient de huurovereenkomst te ondertekenen en met een bijgevoegde kopie van een legitimatiebewijs te retourneren (digitaal of per post)
  8. minimum leeftijd 21 jaar
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